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About Prof. S. Magesh
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Prof. S. Magesh is a notable academician and committed entrepreneur. Apart from his Engineering background and as a perpetual learner, he holds multifarious credentials in diverse areas from Engineering, Science, Arts, Administration, Technology, Linguistics, and Management. He has commenced his academic career as Lecturer in the year 1999 and after that elevated to the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Head in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering with his distinguished career spanning in engineering institutions over the period of 17 years and 10 years Corporate Experience. He has served in various academies ranging from Engineering Colleges and Varsities in different parts of Tamil Nadu till the year 2014. He has published 24 refereed International Indexed journals, including Web of Science, ESCI, SCOPUS, Springer, Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index) to his credit, 2 Patents, and 2 Books with ISBN and DOI.
Prof. S. Magesh is a hands-on Director with expertise in Information Technology, Human Resource Management, E-Business development, and Soft skills development. Through strategic foresight, drive, and determination, he built a strong foundation for his successful Firm. In December 2014, he started Maruthi Technocrat E-Services (MTES), foreseeing the needs of comprehensive E-commerce and E-Business Development platforms in the new business market. Over the years, Prof. S. Magesh has diversified his business line to include Publications, Manpower Services, and Educational and Support Services.
As a leader and self-sufficient innovator, Prof. S. Magesh is comfortable in any role from the executive boardroom to the service platform. He is a tech-savvy negotiator known for healthy business development and relationship building skills. His innate ability to build high-performance teams, including his strategically selected freelance staff, has served as a growth catalyst and infused productive energy into the workplace. He is an empanelled Trainer with Words Worth & Officer’s Training Academy (OTA- Military Academy), Chennai. He is a visionary resource person, orator, and acclaimed International National Trainer. His expertise spans both corporate and academia, and he has been acclaimed for his scholastic achievements. He won many Awards and Accolades during his academic and entrepreneurial career. He received the “Distinguished Innovator & Edupreneur Award” bestowed on 7th November 2017 by the National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development, Coimbatore. He was awarded the most prestigious “Lifetime Achievement Award” by NFED on 5th September 2019. He was also a “National Level Handball Player“. Presently he serves as the Chairman & Director of Magestic Technology Solutions (P) Ltd, Director, Jupiter Publications Consortium and Adjunct Professor, JP Jacobs International University, USA and Empaneled and Visiting Faculty of SRM University.